Episode 11 – 74 Degrees is the Magic Number
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In this episode we talk to out guest Felicia McCaulley about Plastics & Reefkeeping, Sexual Harassment in the Marine Aquarium Industry, Seahorse Keeping, and Ben tells a story about Aquarium Servicing, Burritos, & Adult Films.
Time Stamps
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:47 Welcome Felicia
00:03:42 Plastics
00:08:38 SPONSOR: https://www.SaltwaterAquarium.com?aff=20
00:10:27 Stories of being a woman in the marine aquarium hobby
00:28:24 Seahorse Keeping with Felicia
00:32:00 Felicia LOVES Quarantine
00:41:36 Felicia has multiple tanks
00:49:06 Bye Ben?!
00:50:21 Ben loves Burritos & VHS Porn
00:54:40 Rich’s house is on the cover of a porno
00:56:10 Felicia’s customer was a porn star
00:58:28 BYE FELICIA!