Your First Line of Reef Defense.
Another Quality Product from the Reef Beef Podcast.
Fill bottle to the top with DI water, shake furiously for 1 hour, and refrigerate for 48 hours before use.
When something seems off in your tank, add 1 drop per gallon, wait a week, and reassess.
Richard Ross: “If you really care about your animals, you will use this.”
Randy Donowitz: “As an early beta tester all I can say is WOW!”
Joe Caparatta: “I’m searching for hope and this just feels right. It’s already working! This stuff is amazing to be honest. Like a weight was lifted already and I don’t even have shipping confirmation yet!”
Joe Yaiullo: “So exciting! Can I get it in 55 gallon drums for my tank?”
Mark Callahan: “I don’t think it works and I’m going to prove it by putting it in my tank!”
Salem Clemens: “Anytime I encounter uronema or brown jelly I’m quick to add 15 bottles of Reefcebo to my system – it stops it every time! The last time I had an alk swing I only had to add 1 drop for everything to level out. I don’t even feed my fish anymore – a dash of Reefcebo keeps them all full!”
Sanjay Joshi: “How much would I need for a 500 gallon tank?”
Mark Levenson: “Finally, an all-in-one fixer upper that restores all that ails you.“
Jim Graham: “I’m super excited to get mine!!! I know it’s that missing link that will push me from mediocre to master reefer!” Continued below…
Francois Neo: “Best product after the EcoAqualizer ! Tres Bo”
Other Testimonials:
Francois C: “You should fix the typo.”
James B: “What can I say about Reefcebo that hasn’t already been said about the wheel, penicillin, or the iPhone…. this is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Just a few drops on the tongue and it completely neutralizes Palytoxin poisoning. I am living proof that it works! 5 stars all the way!”
Alisa K: “Snake Oil—because sometimes your tank doesn’t need fixing, just your anxiety.”
Adam S: “This product was what finally moved the needle on my reef tank! The liquid smells and looks like water, but i can only imagine the contents are a blend of space magic and unicorn dust with just a smidge of condensed snake drippings. It must be PACKED with vanadium, as that is what corals crave!”
Elaine S: “Almost as good as the Eco Aqualizer!”
Michael C: “So amazingly stupendous, it will cure problems that you didn’t even realize existed”
Hannah: “I’ve never seen coral polyp extension like this. Forget bone cutters, I’m pulling out the hedge clips to trim back the growth. Nightly coral spawns, fish cured of velvet, ich and uronemia and not an aiptasia in sight! Is there no limits to what it can do? I expect it can even cure diabetes!”
John R: “With so many testimonials, how can this stuff not work??? Now with anhydrous dihydrogen monoxide! Shut up and take my money.”
Shawn W: “I know it’s silly and a joke but it could actually be helpful. Slow the hell down and look at your tank.”
Nick W: “Reefcebo cured my ich, my stn, my rtn, dinos, cyano, it even brought my fish back who died 3 years ago. This stuff is pretty amazing!”
Antonio G: “I’ve been using Reefcebo since the very beginning. I like to add a little bit in the morning and a little bit just before lights out. Anything this good for your tank has to be real and if a little bit of Reefcebo is good then a lot of bit is better. At least that’s been my experience.”
Jim Graham continued: “A little bit of background on me…I do my very best to stay informed on current reefing strategies in the interest of keeping pace with the myriads of reefing socialites. Why? Perception matters, and I have a perceived know-it-all personality to uphold. If I’m not in the know regarding upcoming and current methods, then I don’t feel comfortable “spittin’ the truth.”
With that out of the way, let’s get into Reefcebo!
When I first heard rumor of this product, I was traveling to decommissioned remote, and unacknowledged, government sites looking for evidence of fraud, waste, and abuse. Admittedly, because of my work, I wasn’t fully focused on the Reefcebo product, nor did I care. I had work to do, and that work caught my attention. But to say that the push from those mongering the rumors was intense is an understatement. If you know me, you know that I’m anti-hype marketing, and this product had hype stank all over it! So I started poking around, admittedly with the intent on debunking the hype. Why? I knew dam well this was just another concoction of unknow ingredients that would do absolutely nothing for my aquarium inhabitants.
Holy shit was I wrong!
Because of my standing in the hobby, I demanded, and received three sample bottles of Reefcebo. Why three? I wanted to make sure they weren’t sending me the best of the best. I wanted a true representation of the product. Let me just get to the point. Following the recommended dosing regimen (adding it to my ATO), I noted overnight improvement in coral color, water clarity, and alkalinity uptake. The first two are very subjective, and it could have simply been a perspective shift driven by a recent change to my evening routine. I went from Makers to Woodford. But that alkalinity thing was undeniable. Alk consumption doubled. No shit. It doubled! I literally had to add a second doser sending a baking soda solution to the tank to make up for the increased consumption. Why backing soda? pH improved by 0.3 (8.3 to 8.6), and it only dropped 0.2 overnight!!! That stable pH and alk consumption led to explosive coral growth! Daily changes were noted, and in some cases growth that didn’t exist in the morning was noted during my first pour of evening Woodford. It truly was crazy.
The improvements didn’t stop there. Reefcebo has a juicy, dare I say spicy, Calabrian bergamot note with and enveloping Papua New Guinean vanilla extract accord. What’s that mean? It smells seriously way good! When applied liberally to my feet, I feel like a new man! And almost overnight, my beard, usually well-trimmed, now covered my face in a way the Spartans would appreciate. That, and somehow the freckles on my forearm had transformed into a tattoo of a popular motorcycle manufacturer’s logo surrounded by the words “Live Free, Ride Hard.” My wife noticed the transformation, and when I say noticed, boy did she!
I understand that there are other off-label indications for Reefcebo, and I intend on exploring those use cases. Fear not, minion…I’ll update this review down the road, but until then, I, without hesitation and hype, recommend Reefcebo for your reef tank and your life! Gotta go. Hard ridin’ is calling.”
This product is a placebo and will not actually do anything. However, when properly dosed, it will do something for your brain and give you time to determine if you have an actual problem in your tank. Contains a proprietary sand and science.