Reef Beef – Episode 8 – The John Wayne Gacy of Reefkeeping

Sponsored by Sicce –

In this episode we talk about selling used aquarium gear online, dipping corals, and stories of being a professional aquarist.



Aquatic Collection, Hayward, CA.

Thanks to Sicce for sponsoring this episode.

Check out their latest products here:

Reef Beef’s website:


Time Stamps

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:14 Beef – But not really

00:01:16 Cyano

00:02:55 Beef – Selling used equipment online

00:03:27 Ben misses Rich, Rich misses Ben

00:04:15 BEEF FOR REAL, LOOK! Squirrel!

00:05:27 The John Wayne Gacy counter starts…

00:07:47 1000 pounds of dry rock?!

00:10:42 Ben wants to wear a cape & spandex

00:11:40 Back to Beef

00:15:20 Rich looks yellow

00:16:10 Ben is mean

00:20:10 Do $90 in work to sell $100 item

00:21:16 BEEFY Pointers?

00:25:38 Sponsor – SICCE

00:29:50 Rich turns on a light

00:30:01 Who is who? 

00:31:00 Practical 

00:33:05 Dipping Corals

00:46:52 Quarantine Tips

00:48:22 How do you Quarantine?

00:48:54 Practical Dipping Tips

00:53:36 Story Time – Working at Zoos & Aquariums

01:01:35 Thank you to everyone!